eCampaign™ - County of Solano Registrar of Voters
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Contact Staff:
ROV Candidate Services

Telephone Number:
(707) 784-6675

Email Address:
eCampaign Filing Officers

Welcome to eCampaign™

eCampaign™ is a web-based, data entry filing system that allows candidates and campaign committees to submit campaign disclosure statements mandated by California’s Political Reform Act to the Electronic Filing System free of charge.

With eCampaign™, you can file your Campaign Finance Forms, electronically, 24/7, from anywhere you can access the internet.

eCampaign™ allows Candidates and Officeholders with no active committee to file:

  • Form 501 — Candidate Intention Statement as a candidate
  • Form 470 — Officeholder and Candidate Campaign Statement - Short Form
  • Form 497 — 24-hour Contribution Report (if required)

eCampaign™ allows Recipient Committees, Major Donors and Independent Expenditure Committees to:

  • Securely file and submit the following FPPC forms:

 Recipient Committees

  • Form 501 — Candidate Intention Statement
  • Form 410 — Statement of Organization Recipient Committee
  • Form 425 — Semi-Annual Statement of No Activity
  • Form 450 — Recipient Committee Campaign Statement - Short Form
  • Form 460 — Recipient Committee Campaign Statement
  • Form 496 — 24-hour Independent Expenditure Report
  • Form 497 — 24-hour Contribution Report
  • Form 462 — Verification of Independent Expenditures
  • Form 511 — Paid Spokesperson Report

Major Donors and Independent Expenditure Committees

  • Form 461 — Major Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee Campaign Statement
  • Form 496 — 24-hour Independent Expenditure Report
  • Form 497 — 24-hour Contribution Report
  • Form 462 — Verification of Independent Expenditures
  • Form 511 — Paid Spokesperson Report
  • Automatically adjust to file the correct form for your spending and receiving activity
  • Easily amend prior forms
  • Print copies of previously filed forms
  • Quickly copy information from prior years’ forms
  • Import information from your Cal-Access file (for State filers)

Before you begin you must have received your login ID and password.  To get a login ID and password for your committee, contact the Solano County Registrar of Voters office at (707) 784-6675 or complete the eCampaign Login Request form.

Click on the Help menu for online reference guides explaining how to use the eCampaign modules.


Please note: The Registrar of Voters staff cannot advise you on filling out any FPPC form.  Contact the CA Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) for free, qualified advice at:

All FPPC forms, manuals and filing schedules can be downloaded from the FPPC website.

Minimum Amounts for Campaign Committee Creation

Minimum Contributions Requirements Raised


To Import from Your Cal-Access File

Setup Needed for Import from Your CAL File


eCampaign™  Version 2.20.1232  |  Copyright 2007-2024  GRANICUS, Inc.  All rights reserved.  |  About Us